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Community, Business and Visitor Guide

Leopold Danger and Warnings

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Personal Security, Dangers and Warnings in Leopold, Victoria, Australia

Leopold is a suburb located in the City of Greater Geelong, approximately 9 kilometers east of Geelong, Victoria. Like any other place in the world, Leopold has its personal security concerns, dangers, and warnings that residents and visitors alike need to be aware of. Below are some of them:

1. Burglary and theft

Burglary and theft are among the most common crimes in Leopold. Residents are urged to take measures to protect their homes and properties, such as installing security alarms, locks, and CCTV cameras. It's also essential to report any suspicious activity to the police immediately.

Source: Crime Stoppers Victoria

2. Road safety

Leopold has several busy roads, and drivers and pedestrians need to be cautious when using them. It's essential to obey traffic rules, wear seatbelts, and avoid drink driving. Pedestrians should also walk on footpaths where possible and wear high visibility clothing at night.

Source: VicRoads

3. Fire risk

During the summer months, Leopold is at risk of bushfires. It's essential to be aware of the danger and to prepare your home and family accordingly. This includes clearing gutters and removing debris, having a survival kit and plan, and keeping up to date with the latest fire danger ratings and warnings.

Source: Country Fire Authority

4. Internet security

With the increasing use of technology, internet security is becoming a growing concern. People should be cautious of online scams and phishing attempts, keep their passwords safe, and avoid giving out personal information online. It's also essential to keep software and anti-virus programs up to date.

Source: Stay Smart Online

Overall, Leopold is a safe suburb, but residents and visitors must be aware of the potential dangers and take appropriate actions to protect themselves and their properties.

Security Service Providers or related services in Leopold are welcome to create a listing for your Business in the Leopold Business Directory Security Category For Local business and Community Groups, basic directory listings that includes posting your promotional video on LEOPOLD.VIC.GUIDE is 100% FREE
